Mineral Resources and Energy briefs media on health and safety in mining sector, 25 Nov


Department of Mineral Resources and Energy to brief the media on measures for ensuring sustainable improvement on health and safety in the mining sector

The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy together with leaders from the Minerals Council South Africa and Organised Labour, will address members of the media on the measures for ensuring sustainable improvement on Mine Health and Safety on Thursday 25 November 2021.

The media briefing will be preceded by the MineSafe Conference, a platform for learning and allowing stakeholders to share ideas on health and safety. Convened under the theme: Transforming health and safety performance through committed action, MineSafe seeks to improve health and safety in the mining and metallurgy industry and highlight actions to be taken.

It is expected that during the MineSafe Conference, stakeholders will commit to creating a dynamic culture that will eliminate fatalities, injuries and ill health in pursuit of Zero Harm across all operations, thereby ensuring that each employee returns home unharmed every day.

Source: Government of South Africa


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