MEC Tertuis Simmers conducts site visit at New Woodlands Housing Development in Mitchells Plain, 19 Aug


MEC Simmers to conduct a site visit at the Farm 694 Project in Mitchells Plain

Tomorrow, 19 August 2021, Western Cape Human Settlements MEC Tertuis Simmers, will conduct a site visit at the Farm 694, New Woodlands Housing Development in Mitchells Plain.

Farm 694 is the first phase of the larger Kosovo Informal Settlement Upgrading Project. It involves the construction of internal and bulk engineering services and 434 BNG housing opportunities for beneficiaries that qualify for assistance under the National Housing Subsidy Scheme. These beneficiaries will be sourced from New Woodlands and the Kosovo Informal settlements areas, respectively.

Amongst others, MEC Simmers will receive a status report, while also going on a walkabout through the project and engaging workers on site.

MEC Simmers said: “I’m looking forward to visiting this site and receiving an update, as I’ve been informed that the project is making steady progress. This is an important project for the people of Mitchells Plain and the larger Kosovo Informal Settlement, as it will make a significant difference in their lives.

As the Western Cape Department Government, we want to ensure that our people live in better and safer environments.”

In adhering to all COVID-19 health protocols, MEC Simmers will be accompanied by a small team, which will be inclusive of the Department’s senior executive officials.

Source: Government of South Africa


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