MEC Kenetswe Mosenogi on clean-up campaign in North West

North West, we can do it”, let’s clean our province- says MEC Mosenogi

North West MEC for Department of Economic Development, Environment, Conservation and Tourism, Kenetswe Mosenogi says it is time for a massive clean-up campaign throughout the province in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, starting with Mahikeng as a capital city of the province.

Speaking at the meeting with government officials and ward councillors of Mahikeng, MEC Mosenogi said the province through her department aims to pull all strings to ensure that all the regions are free of litter and illegal dumping sites. “This is a provincial environmental programme that proposes a simple but bold blueprint for what we all can do as individuals, organisations, communities and as a nation to bring about the realisation of a cleaner and more environmentally and respectable province that can attract investors confidence at the first value”.

She further emphasised that the main purpose is to change people’s attitudes and behaviour towards waste management and create awareness on the opportunities available towards the development of the local economy, as well as to begin taking charge and responsibility of keeping the areas clean.

MEC Mosenogi together with MEC for Public Works & Roads, Gaoage Oageng Molapisi, and Danville Ward Councillors led the second phase of the Clean-up Campaign and Infrastructure Renewal Programme, which took place in Danville township, Mahikeng recently. The delegation accompanied by government officials and community members embarked on a two-day massive cleaning and picking waste at illegal dumping sites and in the streets of Danville.

The campaign which was launched by Premier Bushy Maape last month aims to mobilize communities and various stakeholders to support and participate in the cleaning and greening of Mahikeng town, industrial area and its surrounding areas. The intention includes the eradication of all illegal waste dumping hotspots, cleaning main corridors of towns including entrance and exit routes, improving environmental awareness, resealing of roads and patching of potholes.

MEC highlighted that the province’s clean-up programme is in support of the Good Green Deeds programme which was launched by President Ramaphosa in 2019, in which every inhabitant of South Africa, from the President to the ordinary person must take part in cleaning their neighbourhood and ensure that our country is clean and free from litter and illegal dumps.

In addition, MEC Mosenogi indicated that plan is to instil environmental friendly behaviour and create a culture in which citizenry is aware of its role in attaining a cleaner and healthy environment through a litter-free and no dumping behaviour, waste minimization through the establishment of buy-back centres and advocating for entrepreneurship in the waste industry and access to the green economy.

“We are certain that this campaign will contribute significantly to reducing climate change impacts caused by poor waste management. The generation of methane gas from waste dumping hotspots and burning of waste will reduce significantly, as a result, it will reduce air contamination and improve the air quality of the receiving environment”, said the MEC.

MEC added that the programme will be extended to other local and district municipalities and eventually cover the whole province. “In this medium-term phase, our focus includes removal and eradication of all dumping sites in the province, through the implementation of the North West Rural Waste Management Strategy and Integrated Waste Management Plan. Whereas, the long term phase will focus mainly on the sustainability and monitoring of the programme and all participating departments will continue to provide support to the municipalities

Community members and private sector are encouraged to partner with government as it is the collective responsibility of every human to clean the environment and protect the planet from environmental degradation. We all need to be responsible citizens and maintain sustainable waste practices such as recycling, reusing and reducing waste wherever possible.

Source: Government of South Africa

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