MEC Debbie Schäfer on support resources for Matriculants


Matric support resources in the countdown to the start of the NSC exams

With matric exams starting on the 27th of October, it is crucial that all Grade 12 learners spend time revising their work in preparation. While this has been a tough year for them, there is still time to catch up on missed concepts with the help of a teacher, or by using the many resources the WCED has made available to candidates throughout the year.

We are extremely proud of our ePortal, which now boasts 28 700 free eResources to support learning and has 25 000 daily visitors. I call it a national treasure, since users from other provinces make up nearly half the total. 24% of our users are from Gauteng alone! I am so pleased that our province’s leadership in digital education is having knock-on benefits in other provinces.

Our matric learners can visit the “Help! I’m in Grade 12!” tabs for broadcast lessons, collections of subject-specific resources, past papers and memos, study tips, notes, textbooks, and a whole lot more!

Access the ePortal here: is external)

One of our excellent resources is the Telematic Schools Programme, a joint project of the WCED and Stellenbosch University that began in 2009. The project streams lessons online directly to learners and via satellite to specific schools where learners can watch them. The content is zero-rated via the programme website.

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, a comprehensive revision programme was added, with videos and material on numerous subjects that summarise all the work of the year to facilitate exam preparation. The library of broadcast lessons from the project have also been broadcast via the DBE’s Woza Matric programme on SABC and DSTV.

Access the Telematics programme here:

Last term, the WCED delivered a revision pack with past papers, tips for success, important dates and other useful information, to schools for every candidate. Each registered candidate was also sent a sms to remind them to make sure to get this pack from their school. Links to the matric revision resources were also shared.

In addition to the available revision materials, many of our schools have been holding afternoon and weekend classes to make sure matrics are ready for their exams. They were even working during the recent holiday! I would like to thank all of our matric teachers for the incredible effort they have put into preparing their learners, showing that our teachers really are the backbone of society.

I wish every one of our matrics the very best as they make their final preparations for the exams. You have come this far, and I salute your courage and hard work as the first class to have spent their entire matric year in pandemic conditions. You have a whole province rooting for you, I know that you are up to the challenge.

Source: Government of South Africa


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