MEC Anroux Marais bids farewell to legendary performer Sedick Tassiem


The local entertainment industry has lost another legend with the passing of the performer Sedick Tassiem.

While primarily a singer by nature, Sedick loved to entertain people with his flamboyant outfits and through various performances. He was a member of a few choirs over the years and was a popular member of the Kaapse Klopse fraternity.

Cape Town locals would know Sedick from the Labia theatre, where he worked as an usher but where he also entertained audience members. He was well known and loved for his outgoing, friendly nature and for his love of performing for crowds.

MEC Marais said, “Sedick was someone who brought a unique character to the Cape Town arts and culture scene. A true Capetonian, he welcomed people from all walks of life and lived out his passion for entertaining diverse crowds. We have truly lost a great spirit and one who will be remembered for many years to come.”

Our deepest condolences go out to Sedick’s family, friends and all the audiences who he entertained over the years. His legacy will remain imprinted in the fabric of Cape Town’s history.

Source: Government of South Africa


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