MEC Albert Fritz thanks Neighbourhood Watches andcommunities for assisting in averting public violence


Today, the Minister of Community Safety in the Western Cape, Adv. Albert Fritz, thanks neighbourhood watches, community policing forums, private security companies and all community structures and members who have played a role in averting public violence in the Western Cape.

To date, there have been incidents of looting and public violence in the Western Cape.

Minister Fritz said, “I want to thank all our neighbourhood watch members, our community policing forums, our private security companies, and the many, many community members who have stepped up to ensure that we don’t see the kind of public violence we have seen in KZN, here in the Western Cape.”

Minister Fritz continued, “we continue to see a significant amount of fake news being spread on social media. And it’s the ugliest stories that go the furthest. I want to appeal to citizens: please don’t spread fake news. I realise that many of you do it innocently, but these messages and photos that are being spread cause so, so much damage. So much of our energy is spent putting out fake news fires, and compromises out ability to get to where we really need to be. So please, stop sharing these stories, photos and videos on social media.”

Minister Fritz concluded, “there is light at the end of the tunnel that we are currently in. There is hope. I want to ask and encourage neighbourhood watch and all our community members to stay strong, stay vigilent. We are all in this together, and we will all emerge from this and get back to building our province as a stronger, more united society. Thank you again for everything that you are doing for our province.”

Source: Government of South Africa


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