MEC Albert Fritz joins women in Delft for a neighbourhood watch walkabout


MEC Fritz joins women in Delft for a neighbourhood watch walkabout

Today, the MEC of Community Safety, Albert Fritz, joined a group of women who are members of Delft neighbourhood watches for a walkabout in Delft, followed by a short programme of presentations and interaction with the ladies.

This walkabout forms part of the MEC’s Women’s Month Programme, and seeks to acknowledge and bring to light the wonderful work done by women to keep our communities safe. Members of the City of Cape Town Law Enforcement, LEAP and the South African Police Service will also join the walkabout.

MEC Fritz said, “we are making a point of highlighting the ongoing sacrifices that women in our communities are making in order for us to realise a better society. I am very happy to be with these women today. They do indeed form the bedrock of our society, we owe them a huge amount of gratitude.

The walkabout route started at Delft South Library and proceeded via the main road to conclude at Delft swimming pool. During the addresses at the Delft Swimming Pool, it was announced that the Department of Community Safety will offer first aid and self-defense training, as well as trauma-release sessions at the Chrysalis Academy. The MEC also spoke of the imminent rollout of a number of programmes aimed at youth, women and broader crime-prevention through the Provincial Safety Plan Area-Based Teams methodology.

MEC Fritz concluded, “these ladies are amazing! They inspire us to get up each day and do better. We are firmly committed to working towards the real empowerment of women in our communities. In many ways, that starts with safety. You cannot have freedom and empowerment without feeling and being safe. And so we view that responsibility in a very important light, and we thank these ladies for joining us and playing their part in bringing about that safety to our communities.”

Source: Government of South Africa


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