Gvernment hosts webinar on research findings around vaccination rollout, 06 Sept


The GCIS would like to invite you to a webinar on the research findings around vaccination rollout. Value and importance of scientific research evidence and data:

Effective Communication on COVID-19 vaccination roll-out plan.

Date: Monday, 06 September 2021

Time: 10:00 – 12:00

Platform: Zoom Link: (https://gcis.zoom.us/j/97377932469?pwd(link is external)= UjVHVHNiSThCbWZGYzZ0TEVCaXQ1QT09)

Some of the issues we will be discussing are:

Government’s vaccination roll-out plan

Emerging challenges highlighted by various research studies

How research informed the communication strategy and highlighting government communication efforts

Communication material/initiatives that government is using to communicate on vaccine take up and addressing issues on misinformation

Source: Government of South Africa


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