Government wishes matric class of 2021 well


The South African Cabinet extends its well-wishes to the Class of 2021 as they commenced today with the National Senior Certificate examinations. A total of 735 677 full-time and 162 109 part-time candidates are writing their matric exams this year, which extend over six weeks from 27 October to 7 December 2021.

Speaking on behalf of Cabinet, Minister in The Presidency, Mr Mondli Gungubele, said: “We applaud every Grade 12 learner for your determination and hard work in preparing for the exams. This is the culmination of 12 years of schooling and teaching. The Class of 2021 rose above the challenges presented by COVID-19 to pursue their studies. We are confident of your success. You have overcome great challenges and difficulties, and we are proud of you. Good luck!”

Cabinet urges parents and guardians to support learners during this critical period in their academic journey, and create a conducive environment for studying. Learners are advised to maintain a balanced daily routine such as exercising, eating healthy snacks and taking regular breaks when studying. If you feel anxious or overwhelmed, talk to your parent, teacher or someone you trust.

The examinations are being held under challenging COVID-19 times and therefore teachers and pupils are encouraged to continue adhering to COVID-19 regulations.

Source: Government of South Africa


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