Government congradulates Steve Letsike
Government congratulates Steve Letsike for her appointment as chair of the Commonwealth Equality Network.
Speaking of her appointment to the Commonwealth Equality Network, GCIS Director General, Phumla Williams, said: “Letsike is a well-known human rights human rights advocate, and government wishes her well in her endeavors to bring about positive change and correct injustices.”
Letsike has a wealth of experience in high level international policy development and human rights. She also serves as the Co-Chairperson of the South African National AIDS Council and co-chairs the National Task Team on Hate Crimes, an initiative by the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development.
The Commonwealth Equality Network was established in 2013 and comprises a network of organisations that challenge inequality based on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics. The Network ensures the human rights of LGBTI+ people are protected and promoted in line with international human rights standard.
Williams added: “Her passion to address and change discriminations faced by the LGBTI+ community is evident in her daily work. We are confident that she will execute her duties with the highest integrity and dedication.”
Source: Government of South Africa