Employment and Labour on oversight visit to the Rustenburg Labour Centre


The Department of Employment and Labour Minister T W Nxesi has urged employees and clients of the Department to heed the call by Government in the fight against COVID-19 and get vaccinated.

The Minister said this during his oversight visit to the Rustenburg Labour Centre. This forms part of his scheduled series of visits to different departmental offices across the country to monitor the quality of services offered to clients.

Minister Nxesi also aims to create a platform for clients to engage him on challenges they experience and also to get an on-site understanding of the office dynamics by engaging employees who are the Department’s ground forces.

“It is important for all of us to vaccinate. Though it is voluntary, remember that when you vaccinate, you do not protect yourself only, you protect your family and those that are around you. By vaccinating you also assist in allowing the economy to fully open. Please heed the call by Government and vaccinate as early as possible and help the country to save jobs and to reduce the rate of unemployment that is continuing to increase,” said the Minister.

The Minister also visited Mogwase Industrial Site and continued to urge employees to vaccinate.

The call by Minister Nxesi to urge employees to vaccinate is part of the Government’s concerted efforts to help the country and the world at large to fight against the deadly COVID-19 pandemic which has amongst others left the economies of many countries struggling to recover.

Source: Government of South Africa


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