There are 536,419 refugees and asylum seekers in the DRC: among them, 62% are children and 20% women. 24.5% of them live in camps or settlements and 74% live outside camps refugee camps or settlements
5.2 million people are displaced internally in the DRC
942,143 refugees and asylum seekers from the DRC live in Africa.
What does UNHCR do against COVID-19?
• The health and living conditions of refugees and internally displaced persons are a priority for UNHCR. Thus,
UNHCR contributed to the inclusion of refugees and internally displaced persons in the DRC’s national preparedness and response plan against COVID-19.
• At the same time, UNHCR continues its protection and assistance activities in line with COVID-19 prevention measures, such as physical distancing and hand-washing.
• In addition, UNHCR keeps its beneficiaries informed about COVID-19. Posters and leaflets have been translated into the languages spoken by the refugees and distributed throughout the country. Sensitization is taking place through spaced small group sessions and radio spots.
• Finally, UNHCR supports the authorities and the national health system by supporting the construction of medical checkpoints and containment sites, and by donating medicines and equipment such as masks, hand-washing points and other items in areas sheltering refugees and internally displaced persons.
Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees