Dputy President Mabuza convenes COVID-19 Vaccines IMC


Deputy President David Mabuza in his capacity as the Chairperson of the Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) on Covid-19 Vaccines convened and chaired a meeting of the committee to take stock of the implementation of the vaccination programme of the country and provide political oversight in areas experiencing challenges.

The Inter-Ministerial Committee of 12 August 2021, resolved to engage the Provinces of North West, Mpumalanga and Gauteng on their Covid-19 vaccination programme, and identify areas where the IMC could support the three provinces as they had been identified as lagging behind in achieving the set targets.

As such, the three Provinces presented to the IMC on their vaccination programmes, the challenges they are facing and what interventions the Inter-Ministerial Committee can make in order to reach population immunity.

The meeting took a decision to visit the provinces and conduct meetings in the coming weeks so that the necessary support can be provided in earnest.

Additionally, the IMC proposed that provinces utilise capacity and outreach models of their integrated service delivery models to expand the vaccination programme, including the District Delivery Model and invite the district champions to the outreach visits for better coordination in delivery.

“We must commend the provinces that are doing well and take lessons from them, while we provide technical and strategic support to those that are lagging behind”, said Deputy President Mabuza.

A progress report was also received by the meeting from Department of Health on the vaccination of the 18 – 31 years cohort, which had begun their vaccination earlier than the agreed date of 1 September 2021, in line with efforts towards reaching population immunity within this year. The meeting was briefed that the 18-34 years old cohort has the largest share of doses administered followed by the 50-59 years old 35-49 years old and 60+ year old since 19 August 2021.

The IMC expressed their contentment with the 18-34 years cohort and encouraged that more effort be made in encouraging the other age groups to vaccinate so that more lives can be saved.

Source; The Presidency Republic of South Africa


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