Dputy Minister Makhotso Sotyu: Visit to Mohlaletse, Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Municipality.


Address by the Deputy Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and The Environment, Hon. Makhotso Sotyu (MP) during her visit to Mohlaletse, Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Municipality in Limpopo

Programme Director;

Executive Mayor of Sekhukhune District Municipality, Cllr Keamotseng Ramaila;

Traditional leadership present,

Chairperson and members of Thakadu Tsa Naga Farmers Association;

Members of the community;

Members of the Media

Ladies and gentlemen;

It is an honour for me to be afforded an opportunity to talk to you and with you today here in Mohlaletse village.

Allow me to appreciate the warm hospitality that you have shown me since I arrived this morning.

My visit coincides with the nationwide Women’s Month celebrations. Hence I decided to kick-start my visit with tree planting at Tsáte Great Place and Mohlaletse Royal House in honour of Queen Mother Her Majesty Mme Maanyaku Thulare.

Women in their nature play a pivotal role in preservation and protection of the environment. It is also a no brainer that women bear the brunt of environmental degradation as they become the hardest hit due to unsustainable environmental practices and severe weather patterns.

Our department is charged with a constitutional mandate of ensuring everyone’s right to an environment which is not harmful to their health or well-being. Also, to have the environment protected for the benefit of present and future generations through reasonable legislative and other measures.

We continue to work side by side with all spheres of government and the society at large, to developed good policies and programmes to ensure that these rights are realised.

We have done this, as government, simply because we have the interest of our people at heart and that we are committed to the supreme law of our country – The Constitution.

Certainly, you will agree with me when I say that policies without practical actions and the necessary resources cannot achieve an environment that is not harmful to our health and that is protected for the benefit of the present and future generations. We really need practical actions and resources to realize these rights.

My visit here emanates from an invitation I received from Thakadu Tša Naga indicating that they were given permission to occupy 20 hectares land by King Sekhukhune and have a vision to develop the 10 hectares for fish and chicken farming and 10 hectares for vegetable – to address unemployment in the area.

Thakadu Tša Naga Farmers Association also requested me to lead a “Thuma Mina/Roma nna” Good Green Deeds programme, raising awareness on the importance of a clean environment, tree planting and educating communities about good environmental practices.

Good Green Deeds is a national campaign launched by President Cyril Ramaphosa with an objective of encouraging responsible environmental practice within and across all sectors and levels of society. The campaign strives to change the individuals’ behaviour towards littering, illegal dumping and waste in general.

Our interventions in response to the request from Thakadu Tša Naga Farmers Association are as follows:

The officials from the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment spent the last few days carrying out a clean-up campaign working hand in hand with the members of the community.

In terms of promoting greening in this area, the Department is donating 500 trees to be planted in 12 schools including garden tools. At least 15 job opportunities have been created for locals. Tree planting started on 17 August and will continue until all the trees are planted.

The Department is already engaging Thakadu Tša Naga Farmers Association. Our officials from the Fisheries branch conducted basic technical assessment on inland fish farming (Aquaculture) on 23 August.

To support Thakadu Tša Naga Farmers Association with inland fish farming a technical task team which includes, but no limited to Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism; and Limpopo Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, will be established.

• Expose the Association to aquaculture through basic training activities and site visits to commercial farms

• Facilitate feasibility study for the establishment of a fish farm.

• In collaboration with Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism, facilitate the development of a business plan which includes designs, funding model, operations and marketing.

• Facilitate aquaculture authorization, e.g. EIA, farming permits, water-use license

• Investigate sources of funding relevant to the business plan and business model.

• Develop farm infrastructure and implement fish farming activities.

Since the chicken farming and vegetables falls outside of our Department’s mandate we will bring it to the attention of the relevant Department.

Programme Director, I want to specifically urge community members, the association and traditional leadership to play their part in ensuring that we keep the environment clean, let’s continue with what has been started. It will be encouraging when I come back to see the place looking clean with beautiful trees well taken care of by the members of this community.

This is your environment; you must look after it. It should not only benefit you, but your children’s children too.

As I conclude, programme director,

I would like to call upon all age groups that are eligible for vaccinations to go to the nearest vaccinations centres to get their jab. Let’s encourage everyone to mask up, wash up and step out to get vaccinated.

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted our nation and her people in countless ways. What was initially a health crisis has impacted the economy, health, education, food security and gender equality.

I thank you!

Source: Government of South Africa


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