Dputy Minister Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu launches 999 Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Campaign in Groblersdal, 01-09 Sept


Foetal Alcohol Syndrome is a preventable condition which impacts negatively on unborn babies as a result of alcohol intake by mothers during pregnancy. This condition also causes mental and physical life-long problems for unborn babies when mothers consume alcohol while pregnant and when breast feeding.

Women who drink alcohol when they are pregnant run the risk of giving birth to unhealthy babies because of alcohol which is transferred through the mother’s blood and passes it on to the unborn baby through the placenta.

It is against this context that the Deputy Minister of Social Development, Mrs Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu, will on Wednesday, September 01, launch the 9-9-9 Foetal Alcohol Syndrome campaign to educate communities about dangers associated with alcohol drinking while pregnant and breastfeeding.

The campaign will be launched as an interactive dialogue wherein various sectors comprising of among others; pregnant women, youth, parents of children with FAS disorder, tavern and shebeen owners and traditional leaders. This initiative affords community members to exchange views on how to prevent Foetal Alcohol Syndrome and its impact on children.

The 9-9-9 campaign, which will run throughout 9 consecutive days ending on the 9th of September, which is commemorated every year as International Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Day. The day seeks to raise awareness by educating all citizens about this condition.

The Department of Social Development is the lead department in the coordination and implementation of the National Drug Master Plan (NDMP) which is aimed at achieving a drug free society for the benefit of all South Africans. The Department also has a role to implement programmes targeting at preventing alcohol related social ills including; gender-based violence, teenage pregnancy, HIV and Aids chronic and dysfunctional communities.

9-9-9 stands for 9 consecutive days in 9 provinces leading up to the 9th day of September, which is International Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Day.

Source: Government of South Africa


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