The Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in the East and Horn of Africa (EHoA) region is currently active in six countries (Burundi, Djibouti,
Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan, and Uganda), and its methodology includes four main components (mobility tracking, !ow monitoring, registrations, and surveys).
As of June 2021, DTM in the region tracked 9.0M Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and 3.2M Returnees, as reported during the last round of DTM assessments for each country, or through secondary data sources. The “gures of IDPs and returnees for Ethiopia are as of Round 25 (April 2021), and the “gures for South Sudan are as of Round 10 (December 2020). The IDP “gure for Burundi is as of Round 63 (June 2021). Displacement “gures for Kenya and Uganda were reported as of December 2019. While DTM coverage is being expanded in Somalia, the IDP “gure indicated on this map is the most up-to-date data available endorsed by the Somali National Bureau of Statistics (SNBS) on behalf of the government as of March 2021.
Flow Monitoring Overview
Flow Monitoring (FM) is operational in six countries, through 51 Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs), with the main aim of tracking cross-border movements trends in the region. FMPs established at key areas of high mobility monitor di#erent kinds of movements, including movements along the four main migration routes (Eastern, Horn of Africa, Southern, and Northern); movements in the public health context; post-con!ict movements of Burundi nationals returning from the United Republic of Tanzania; and other shorter-term cross-border movements, mainly tracked in South Sudan. Additionally, internal movements within the country, mainly in South Sudan, are also monitored through ten FMPs established at key transit locations. FM operations in Kenya and the United Republic of Tanzania were halted at the end of 2020, with the closure of FMPs in both countries, thus reducing the coverage along the Southern Route; the Northern Route continues to be under-represented due to lack of geographical coverage. The following sections will present “ndings across these FM networks between January and June 2021.
Source: International Organization for Migration