Deputy Minister Gina and MEC Mosenogi address youth empowerment outreach in North-West, 8 Oct


The Deputy Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition, Ms Nomalungelo Gina and North-West MEC of Economic Development, Environment, Conservation and Tourism (DEDECT), Ms Kenetswe Mosenogi will address the Youth Empowerment Outreach scheduled to take place at Tlakgameng Village Sports Field, Ganyesa on Friday, 8 October 2021. The outreach is a partnership between the two departments together with Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati and Kagisano Molopo Municipalities.

The Youth Empowerment outreach event seeks to strengthen government’s commitment to empowering peri-urban communities to accelerate job creation and sustainable economic development in the country. The outreach also aims to create awareness about support on products and services offered by both the Departments of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic), DEDECT and agencies to small businesses and cooperatives.

According to Deputy Minister Gina the department has identified a couple of projects in education, agriculture and business development within the province to support communities through development programmes aimed at uplifting these communities.

“Our focus in the deep rural areas of the country is to ensure that the youth have access to government programmes that will grant them the same opportunities as those who live in urban areas. Access to information and economic empowerment programmes offered by government will allow these youth to sustain their livelihood and start businesses that can create sustainable jobs,” says Gina.

MEC Mosenogi says for the North West to achieve its economic growth and development within the district development model as well as ensuring that local communities benefit, it will require a concerted effort from all role players and stakeholders.

“It is through this kind of engagements that we encourage the youth to be part of the solutions to overcome poverty and unemployment challenges they face, and sharpen their abilities in ensuring their effective participation in the mainstream economy. We therefore felt that as a department, we need to continue strengthening our working relationship with all spheres of government and private sector in developing one integrated plan that will improve service delivery and attract investment,” says Mosenogi

Mosenogi further points out that the department will continue to create an enabling environment for the youth to have required skills and meet the standard of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which will results in the transformation and unlocking new market opportunities for their businesses.

Source: Government of South Africa


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