Department of Basic Education calls for previous NTA winners from the year 2000 – 2010
The Department of Basic Education celebrates 21 years of the National Teaching Awards, since inception in the year 2000. In celebrating this major milestone, the DBE seeks to connect with winners of the National Teaching Awards from the first ceremony in the year 2000 to 2010.
The Department of Basic Education calls on all previous winners of the National Teaching Awards in the period listed above to come forward to share in the celebrations
The 21st edition of the National Teaching Awards will be conducted in a period where the country is confronted with a major pandemic of Covid-19, which has paralyzed the schooling system in many different ways. It is for this reason that it became prudent for us to go down memory lane and honour all educators who have represented the sector with outstanding excellence throughout the years.
Send us photos of yourself with your certificate and tell us about your journey in education since winning your award via email on: [email protected] (link sends e-mail)by 20 September 2021.
Source: Government of South Africa