Arican Union Commission Undertakes an Assessment Mission to Cairo, Egypt, to prepare for the official launch of the African Union Centre for Post-conflict Reconstruction and Development


From 15 August to 19 August 2021, the Political Affairs, Peace and Security Department of the African Union Commission (AUC) deployed an assessment mission to Cairo, Egypt, supported by AUC Divisions of Facilities Management and Security and Safety as well as the Information Technology Directorate.

The mission was deployed in furtherance to the Assembly Decision 756 (XXXIII) adopted in February 2020 which directed the Commission to expedite the operationalization of the African Union Centre for Post-conflict Reconstruction and Development (PCRD).

The objective of the Mission was to prepare for the official launch of the Centre and enhance operational tasks and capacities prior to its establishment.

The Mission led by Mr. Calixte Aristide Mbari, Ag. Director, Governance and Conflict Prevention Directorate of the Political Affairs, Peace and Security Department, which oversees the operations of Centre, had meetings with high level officials from Cairo including Her Excellency Ambassador Soha Gendi, Assistant Foreign Minister of Egypt for African Organizations and Communities, His Excellency Ambassador Karim Sherif, Deputy Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for African Union Affairs, His Excellency Dr. General Ahmed Ibrahim, Assistant Minister of Interior and President of the Egyptian Police Academy, Major General Dr. Ahmed Ibrahim, Director of the Egyptian Policy Academy, Major General Tarek Awad, Director of the Egyptian Centre for Peacekeeping Operations Training Centre and Major General Dr. Ashraf Abdou, Director of Training and Development at the Egyptian Policy Academy.

The Mission inspected the building offered to temporarily host the Centre and conducted discussions and consultations with the relevant authorities. The Centre’s bank account was opened during the mission. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Cairo coordinated with relevant national authorities to facilitate the mission. The AU Permanent Mission to the League of Arab States based in Cairo, worked with the visiting team to ensure the mission’s success.

The Mission met with potential partners to raise awareness on the Centre’s mandate. It visited the Egyptian Peacekeeping Training Operations Centre and had technical discussions with the Cairo International Centre for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding, an Egyptian public agency specialized in training, capacity building and research in the fields of peace and security in Africa and the Middle East. During a meeting with Ambassador Mohamed Khalil, Secretary General of the Egyptian Agency of Partnership for Development, Mr. Mbari acknowledged the need for the provision of technical assistance to countries in political transitions and post-conflict situations within the framework of the AU Centre for Post-conflict Reconstruction and Development. In doing so, the partnership would explore innovative ways to strengthen south-south cooperation within the framework of the African Solidarity Initiative (ASI) which was launched during the 19th Ordinary Session of the AU’s policy organs held in Addis Ababa in July 2012. The ASI was launched as an AU-led process for mobilizing support from within the continent for countries emerging from conflict, in line with the AU PCRD Policy adopted in 2006 in Banjul, The Gambia.

The organizational structure and functions of the AU Centre for Post-conflict Reconstruction and Development are based upon the six pillars of the AU PCRD Policy, namely: security, humanitarian/emergency assistance, political governance and transition, socio-economic reconstruction and development, human rights, justice and reconciliation, and women, gender and youth. As a specialized agency of the AU, the Centre’s role in spearheading the implementation of the AU PCRD Policy, is aimed at providing tangible peace dividends to communities, as well as contributing towards the effective coordination and enjoyment of peace in Africa. The AU and Egypt signed its Host Agreement in December 2019 on margins of the inaugural Aswan Forum for Sustainable Peace and Development held in Aswan, Egypt.

The Centre’s opening is illustrative of the AU’s commitment to support states undergoing post-conflict transitions. In doing so, it would be implementing Assembly/AU/Dec.425 (XIX) – on the ASI, which requested the Commission, in close collaboration with concerned countries, other Member States, and relevant stakeholders, to roll-out a full implementation plan, and to mobilize in-kind, capacity building, as well as financial contributions, to support post-conflict reconstruction activities and efforts in affected states.

During a debriefing meeting held on the last day of the mission, the delegation met with senior officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and held fruitful discussions on the next steps towards the Centre’s official launch. Speaking on behalf of the Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Assistant Foreign Minister Her Excellency Ambassador Soha Gendi reiterated her government’s commitment to provide the necessary support to the AU Centre for Post-conflict Reconstruction and Development as it embarks on its noble journey. She assured the delegation that necessary preparations will be finalized in time for the official launch before the end of the year.

Source: African Union


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