Dear colleague, Dear Shirley,
Thank you so much for receiving me. Following our meeting in New York in September, I have to say this is the first visit of a Greek Foreign Minister in Ghana ever. We are very excited about that, but this is an enormous gap we have to cover.
What I did and I would like to stress is that apart from the 100.000 I sent, we brought another 50.000 vaccines today.
We care very much. And we don’t have a colonial past so we very much identify with your struggle for independence. You are the first sub-Saharan country that did that. I knew the name of Nkrumah since I was a kid. I remember the first time I heard it; it was 1974. I remember it because there was a Ghanaian student and we were together in the United States. And he gave a speech about it. And that’s how I got to know what you have done in the past.
It is very important also that by being here, we see what you are doing here. And you are a powerhouse for western Africa. The Government, your President, your country are very important for Western Africa and we appreciate this very much.
And, also, I have to say that Greeks have been here before us, Greek businessmen. We have a 100 million Euros of investment already in Ghana, this is very important. Before coming here, I went to a Greek school in Tema and it was so touching. This school is being helped by donations of the Greeks that have invested in Ghana. I called them and I thanked them, and I encouraged them to do more because it is of extreme importance.
If you will allow me to say also, what we should do is to try to put economic flesh to the bone of our existing relationship. We have the same principles. We are seafaring nations, both of us, and there is a lot that we can do together. And the purpose of my visit is really to pave the way for the businessmen to invest more and do more. And also give you the possibility to know us better. Come and visit us the soonest possible. I am going also to invite the President, in the name of my President.
I believe that there is a lot that we can do. Africa will be the powerhouse of the world, and Ghana is already the powerhouse of Western Africa. So, thank you very much for that, and I will expand afterwards on things we can do, especially on maritime security and specialized items: energy, and tourism.
Thank you so much for receiving me.