
Burkina Faso’s Security Minister Calls for Public Vigilance Against Terrorism

OUAGADOUGOU – In a national television address on Monday evening, Burkina Faso’s Minister Delegate in charge of security, Mahamadou Sana, urged the population to actively contribute to the nation’s security by reporting suspicious individuals and objects.

According to Burkina Information Agency, This appeal came in the wake of several coordinated terrorist attacks across various regions of the country. Minister Sana emphasized the importance of public vigilance and cooperation with security forces to enhance the collective fight against terrorism.

“From now on, we must necessarily participate in co-production in terms of security through the denunciations of suspicious individuals and the reporting of suspicious objects,” Sana stated, highlighting the need for community involvement in identifying potential threats. He also pointed out the behavior of individuals who isolate themselves and avoid interaction with neighbors as potentially suspicious.

Furthermore, Sana warned against any form of support for terrorist activities, whether passive or active, including the transportation of logistics or financing of actions, noting that such support is punishable by law. He commended the effective collaboration between the fighting forces and citizen watch groups, which has led to the arrest of suspicious individuals and the initiation of legal proceedings. The minister stressed that cutting off the financing and supply lines of terrorists, which often originate from cities, is crucial to combating terrorism effectively.

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