
Illegal miner sentenced for corruption

Thomas Jeremiah Makhubele (30) was sentenced to 5 years imprisonment for corruption by the Polokwane High Court on 11 July 2023.

On the morning of 13 April 2022 the Polokwane based Hawks’ Serious Organised Crime Investigation in collaboration with Illegal Mining Task Team, Department of Mineral Resources and Energy and Local Criminal Record Centre conducted illegal mining disruptive operation at Berggeneg Village in Westernburg policing area.

When the team arrived at the place, people were found busy refining gold bearing material and a permit was requested.

Instead of producing a permit, one of illegal miners (the accused) gave the police R2000-00 gratification. Unfortunately he met incorruptible police, therefore he was arrested for corruption. Makhubele was never granted bail since he was arrested.

The accused has another pending case of illegal mining and he will appear in court for it on 17 July 2023.

Source: South African Police Service

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