WFP Malawi Country Brief, April 2021


In Numbers

745 active cases of COVID-19 in Malawi (30 April 2021)

USD 3.0 million six-month (May – October 2021) net funding requirements

11,000 refugee households assisted with food and cash distributions

Strategic Outcome 1

Refugees: 11,000 refugee households received double distributions of Corn Soya Blend (CSB) and cash-based transfers for the food basket (comprising of cereal, pulses and oil) for the months of March and April. From May, distributions will be conducted monthly, owing to the consistently low number cases of COVID-19 over the past two months.

Furthermore, 5,000 households are receiving debit cards from WFP’s financial service provider — MyBucks — to use to access their cash transfers as e-payments.

COVID-19 Cash Response: Thanks to support from the Government of Norway, from December 2020 to March 2021, WFP provided cash assistance to 12,000 households in seven bomas in response to the economic impacts of COVID-19 on urban areas.

Rural Lean Season Cash Response: WFP, in support of the Government of Malawi, completed its distributions under the 2020/2021 lean season response, providing cash assistance to 488,000 people who faced severe food insecurity in Malawi.

Support to Government’s In-Kind Rural Response: With technical assistance from WFP, the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DODMA) completed distribution of 16,000 mt of food to 541,000 people.

Source: World Food Programme