Marsabit County: Drought Early Warning Bulletin for May 2021


Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification

Biophysical Indicators

Rainfall: In the month under review, rains intensified in most parts of the county. Moyale Sub-county received substantially above normal rains whereas North Horr, Laisamis and Saku Sub-counties received cumulatively below average long rains.

Vegetation condition: 3-months Vegetation Condition Index for the month under review was 32.57 across the county hence gradually deteriorated when compared to the previous months VCI of 33.75 but remained in the moderate vegetation deficit band. VCI was below average.

Socio-Economic Indicators (Impact Indicators)

Production indicators: Livestock body condition was good-fair in all the livelihood zones. Milk production improved but was below the short term average. Livestock migrated within their usual traditional grazing areas.

Area under crop production is below the long-term average due to late onset and below normal rains in the agro-pastoral areas of Saku.

Access indicators: Household and livestock water distances reduced across the County due to recharge of 60 percent of sub-surface water sources. Milk consumption was below the short-term average and terms of trade was favourable as prices of goats were normal. Outbreak of ORF in camel calves and goat kids occurred across North Horr Sub-county.

Utilization indicators. Household food consumption score shifted from borderline to acceptable food consumption band. Households applied frequent and severe strategies to cope with food gaps at the household level. The overall admission trends for both SAM & MAM are higher in 2021 compared to 2019 (similar rainfall pattern).

Source: Government of Kenya