Kajiado County: Drought Early Warning Bulletin for May 2021


Drought Situation & EW Phase Classification

Biophysical Indicators

• The March-May rainfall had delayed onset and poor spatial and temporal distributions.

• Vegetation greenness declined though still above normal and water was fairly available and accessible for both livestock and domestic use.

Production Indicators

• The rain fed crops condition was fair due to poor rainfall distribution thus suffered moisture stress.

• Livestock body condition was good with no unusual diseases.

• Livestock prices reduced though remains above short-term average. Milk production improved but still below the long-term average probably due to low tropical livestock units.

Access indicators

• The terms of trade was above five-year average while the amount of milk consumed by households increased above five-year average consumption for similar period of the year.

• Household distances to water sources was slightly longer than long-term averages for similar period of the year.

Utilization Indicators

• The risk of malnutrition for under-fives was stable below the five-year average for similar month.

• Households used the normal coping strategies such as selling small stocks to get food or money to buy food.

• 30.4% household in pastoral livelihood zone fell within the borderline food consumption score.

Source: Government of Kenya