Ganzourgou Launches Malaria Awareness Campaign with Mosquito Net Distribution in Boudry


ZORGHOU — In a continued effort to combat malaria, the Zorgho health district, in partnership with the Sanbrado Mining Company (SOMISA), initiated an awareness campaign and distributed mosquito nets at the Boudry health and social promotion center on Friday, June 7, 2024. The event, emphasizing “Gender, equity, and human rights,” was overseen by the high commissioner of the province of Ganzourgou, Ms. Aminata Sorgho/Gouba.

According to Burkina Information Agency, malaria remains the leading cause of medical consultations, hospitalizations, and deaths within the local health facilities. The commune of Boudry recorded over 109,000 malaria cases in 2020, with nearly half of them affecting children under five. After a spike in cases in 2021, there has been a noticeable decline in the following years, with the latest figures marking a significant reduction to 81,008 cases in 2023, alongside a decrease in related deaths.

Ms. Sorgho/Gouba expressed gratitude towards SOMISA for their continuous support and highlighted the crucial role of community engagement and the correct use of treated mosquito nets in combating malaria. She called on the residents to cooperate fully with health workers and adhere to their recommendations to mitigate the impact of this disease effectively.

Assane Ouédraogo, SOMISA’s director of community relations, noted that the company’s commitment to local development and health initiatives has contributed to the decline in malaria cases since the mine became operational at the end of 2019. He affirmed the company’s ongoing support for such health campaigns.

Dr. Delphin Kaboré, the Chief Physician of the Zorgho health district, outlined the details of the awareness program, which will extend to all villages and health facilities in the commune. This initiative, funded by SOMISA, will provide a thousand mosquito nets and include educational sessions on malaria prevention. Dr. Kaboré reiterated his appreciation for SOMISA’s support.

Beneficiary Léontine Ouédraogo shared her enthusiasm for the initiative, stating, “From now on, we will sleep under mosquito nets to protect ourselves and our children against malaria.”