Fijian Students Immerse in Chinese Culture at Embassy Event.


Suva: The Chinese Embassy in Fiji hosted its first open-day event on Friday, welcoming nearly 100 Fijian students and teachers from a local primary school to promote Chinese culture and foster people-to-people exchanges between China and Fiji. The event featured performances by students and included classical music and martial arts by teachers from the China Cultural Center in Fiji and the Confucius Institute at the University of the South Pacific.

According to Namibia Press Agency, the students also engaged in traditional Chinese cultural activities such as calligraphy and paper-cutting. Chinese Ambassador to Fiji, Zhou Jian, emphasized the importance of the younger generation in strengthening China-Fiji relations. As a former school teacher, Zhou expressed his dedication to focusing on children and mentioned the embassy’s plans to remain open to various groups in Fiji, especially local students, to provide them with an authentic understanding of China.

Neori Cama, the headteacher of the participating scho
ol, described the visit as historic and beneficial for enhancing the children’s knowledge of China. Cama expressed a desire for the Chinese language to be included in Fiji’s school curriculum. A student, Lazarus Tuisinu, shared his perspective with Xinhua, noting China’s role as a global supporter and manufacturer, and voiced hope for increased collaborations between the two nations.